Georgian (Georgia)English (United Kingdom)
Zakro Maisuradze-the Artist-Ceramist and Researcher

Kiti Machabeli
George Chubinashvili National Research Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation

The paper discusses the merit of Zakro Maisuradze-the artist-ceramist and researcher-in the formation and development of Georgian professional ceramics. His work reflected a very important historical stage of artistic and technological searching in new Georgian ceramic art.
Together with the artists of the elder generation, such as: N. Gomelauri, A. Pitskhelauri and Z. Tsitsishvili, Z. Maisuradze originated contemporary Georgian ceramics. He taught several generations of Georgian ceramic artists at Tbilisi Academy of Arts.
The work of Zakro Maisuradze involved scientific research on the subject of Georgian historical ceramics. He applied the results of his scientific work in his artistic production. There were two major roots that inspired him: old Georgian ceramics and folk art.
Z. Maisuradze played a particular role in the rehabilitation of the ancient technique of black sparkling ceramics. The artist-ceramist contributed to the increased appliance of ceramic works and created the series of ceramic reliefs depicting the themes from tales and Georgian folk. His works reveal organic connection with national origins that defines their artistic value.
The work of Z. Maisuradze had a great importance for the success of today’s ceramic art and created a basis for its future development.

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