Georgian (Georgia)English (United Kingdom)
Architecture in 1900-1920

Nunu Asatiani
The very interesting process of the development of architecture continued in the first decades of the 20th century. The furnishing of the cities with unique features has been started at the beginning of the 19th century – in a quiet, but an extremely complicated time from the socio-political point of view.
Imported, oriental or western architecture assimilates easily and based on Georgian taste and nature quickly establishes itself in everyday life.
At the beginning of the 20th century, in comparison with previous years, the scale of infrastructure upgrade increases, the quality of architecture improves, and the new shape of cities starts forming. The buildings of that period are still among the best structures decorating the cities.
In this period architecture still tends towards eclectism and stylization, mostly with variations of classical style, but sometimes also bearing traditional elements of gothic, Islamic and Russian-Byzantine architecture. However, the classical architectural models are still the most common and numerous.
It is noteworthy, that during this period interest towards Georgian architectural traditions is also manifested, however, the examples are few and they do not go beyond stylization.  
On the backdrop of the diversity of styles an interesting fact took place - Georgia got acquainted with the new, “modern style” as it was called in Russian Empire. This new style, so widespread in Europe, got established in Georgia and significantly impacted the Georgian city architecture.
Apart from purely Art Nouveau buildings, many examples of amalgamation or coexistence of different styles are preserved, since the eclectic traditions were still strong.  
As for the function of the buildings, all types of building are built in Georgia being according to the contemporary architecture. These are mostly 2-4 storied capital buildings built in accordance with the dimensions and location of the streets, with wide entrances, decorated with paintings, mosaics or stucco moldings.
This period was very rich from creativity point of view which determines its importance for the Georgian architecture.

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